Thursday, June 5, 2014

Tags cafe feminino, tropical alliance, Ukraine, Ethiopia, art space is infinite, in the city, peopl

Quoting: Fair Trade (English Fair trade) - organized world social movement, uphold justice international labor standards, environmental and social regulation, and public exw policy in relation to the marked and unmarked goods, from handicrafts to agricultural products. exw In particular, this movement emphasizes the export of goods from developing to developed countries. A frequent theme in the discussion of fair trade - criticism of the existing World Trade Organization as "unfair". Defenders of fair trade argue that fluctuations in prices of goods do not guarantee a living wage for many producers in developing countries, forcing them to take out loans with very unfavorable conditions. exw Supporters of fair trade also believe that market exw prices do not reflect the true cost of production, which must include environmental exw and social components of cost. Fair trade aims to seek to address these problems by establishing alternative exw trading system "ethical" products that promote exw economic development and offering better trading conditions for producers and workers in developing countries. (Http:// D1% EF% F0% E 0% E2% E5% E4% EB% E8% E2% E0% FF_% F2% EE% F0% E3% EE% E2 % EB% FF) *** From itself: In fact it is this. Large corporations are interested in the minimum procurement exw price of raw materials available to them. Vyraschivaschivaemy for coffee, exw cotton, cocoa, sugar and other farmers in Africa and Latin America receive exw a minimum payment that does not even provide them with a living wage. Fair Trade system procures raw materials from farmers from small villages and cooperatives at a fair price. This helps improve the living standards of farmers and their families, to build schools, water treatment stations and even save planting coffee. In some countries, it becomes unprofitable to grow coffee because underpaid for it. Becomes much more profitable to plant cotton, dried (narcotic plant), etc. More than a fair price for coffee gives you the opportunity to keep the coffee plantations, many of which are unique in the field of climate, exw so you are in danger of extinction due to global warming.
Tags cafe feminino, tropical alliance, Ukraine, Ethiopia, art space is infinite, in the city, people, meetings, just drink coffee, coffee order, order, society Oromia coffee, Peru, El Salvador coffee, coffee beans, coffee-mail labeling and certification of coffee, Nicaragua, Oromia, write real letters, try, travel, fair trade, fair world, exw articles, where we have a theory, Harare, what we drink, are marching! exw , Step into! , Ethiopia

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