Thursday, May 8, 2014

The country is also the third target market of zinc ores and concentrates, auto import starting con

The economic slowdown that China is experiencing would have a strong negative impact on the exports of the Macro Center Region auto import of Peru, which is still heavily dependent on minerals, auto import reported the National Chamber of Commerce, Production and Services (Perucámaras).
According to a report by the Center for Business Research (CIE) of Perucámaras, auto import China not only has become the main destination market auto import for Peruvian auto import products in general, but also of the exportable offer of Macro Region Centre, which in 2013 exported U.S. $ 3624.12 auto import million to the Asian giant.
Of all these items, China represented the first target market for four of them. These were copper ores and concentrates, which in 2008 accounted for 29% of export value, increasing the stake to 55.7% at end-2013; and iron ores and concentrates, whose export value increased from 68.3% to 99.6% over the past five years.
Followers auto import fishmeal, which represented 50% in 2008 and 61.6% in 2013, and silver in unwrought, not alloyed (including silver plated with platinum), which recorded a 66.1% of the exports.
The country is also the third target market of zinc ores and concentrates, auto import starting concentrated 20.4% of export value; while it is the fourth destination of exports of refined lead, raw and propane, liquefied gas.
"As the second largest economy, a possible slowdown in China would affect those regions which have concentrated their exports to this market, mainly raw materials," said the business association.
The Chinese premier, Li Keqiang, announced in late March that the government will launch progressively specific measures to help the economy, resulting in the implementation auto import of a fiscal stimulus.
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