Saturday, October 11, 2014

Overcome the threat boulangista explode the scandal of the Panama Canal. The construction customfor

The Third French Republic to World War I (1880-1914) -
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The French republicans were divided into radicals and opportunists. At the far left radicals Clemenceau find a program that would defend revolutionary abolition of the Senate separation between church and state, customform reduced working hours, etc. Thus, the instability under President Grevy would lead to alternating in government offices customform opportunistic (Waddington, Freycinet Ferry).
Thus, gradually, would consolidate a parliamentary regime, republican, conservative and liberal in social and political context in which democratic forms to evolve, especially during the presidency of Jules Ferry, who completed the industrialization of the country, extended colonies, and a policy liberal customform secular progressive, secular state, approving the divorce law, founding a school customform where secular and compulsory primary education would be free, and guaranteeing freedoms (assembly, press and trade union) . Isolated international relations, falling Bismarck in Germany would return to the French European customform partnerships. In addition, France will experience a period of intense colonial expansion in competition with Britain.
The economic crisis of 1882 is the main problem faced by governments opportunistic. This year occur crack of the General Union of Banks, which ruined many French aristocrats and landowners, adding to a depression of the textile industry, the increase in unemployment, the beginning of a decade of meager harvests of wheat, and the beginning of the phylloxera plague that seriously affected the wine industry, losing many markets and sharply reduced production.
With the fall Ferry, 1885, begin a period of economic customform and political crisis. The economic crisis was due to the introduction of American and Australian products at low prices, which ruined many farmers, and the decline of traditional textile plants that can not cope with the introduction of cotton.
In this economic crisis would add several political scandals. First, "the affair of the decorations," when he discovered that the son of President Grevy received money to promote decorations by the state. Secondly, the main danger to the Republic: the boulangisme. Boulangista the right and the left socialist republican threaten stability. Thus, General Boulanger, a former minister of war and reformer of the French army, eager to make political career, began a campaign of nationalist flag used 1870 primary defeat the right to join the movement general election campaign that promoted an anti-parliamentary tendencies and reminded Caesarist the type of Napoleon III. Despite the victory in Paris, Boulanger did not decide, as many of his supporters claimed, to make a coup. Successful candidates left in other departments of the country generally pushed to suicide, which eventually dismantle the reactionary movement.
Overcome the threat boulangista explode the scandal of the Panama Canal. The construction customform of the canal would fail for several accidents, but through a series of bribes customform Parliament customform got a special loan. The company founded by Rhone Lesseps bring scandal to the public and the press right-wing anti-republican lost no opportunity to denounce an understanding between Republicans and big businessmen. A former minister (Baihai) would be accused and indicted himself Lesseps and Eiffel. Some politicians would be displaced by the scandal and a new generation would arise that would occupy their positions. In the elections of 1893 the French electorate would begin his shift to the left. A year later the French President (Carnot) was killed in an attack anarchist.
However, customform it would be the Dreyfus affair what would become the most famous scandal of the French Third Republic. In September 1894 he found himself in the office of the German customform military attache Schwarzoppen a document that showed that they had sold military secrets to Germany and the scapegoat was the Jewish officer Dreyfus, who was banished to the 'Devil's Island of the Pacific. Two years later, a head of the department of statistics, Picquart, customform find a document that was guilty of another customform officer, Esterhazy. At that time he asked himself the review process cont

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