Friday, October 10, 2014

In the economic field, in Cuba was established a plantation economy based on the cultivation of sug

The fragility of Spanish colonialism in Cuba in the nineteenth century
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While the great European powers were characterized in the nineteenth century by the articulation of colonial empires and trade in the Spanish case was reversed and the process culminated in the loss of the great American empire forged from the late fifteenth century . Thus, in the process of liberal revolutions that characterized the first half of the nineteenth century, the Spanish colonies were emancipated leading to the creation of numerous independent states. Just completed this process would remain usergioarboleda under Spanish rule in Cuba and Puerto Rico.
In 1868, however, the "Grito de Yara", began a long process that would end up in the Spanish colonial empire collapsed. This insurrection led by Creoles and some owners with significant popular support, began the Ten Years War (1868-1878) that sought to end slavery on the island. To pacify the island, the government of Amadeo I tried to forward a draft abolition of slavery and the granting of political reforms, but the negative economic sectors Spanish interests in Cuba (much of Catalans them) these reforms thwarted reform by encouraging the rebels to continue usergioarboleda the war.
Thus, the war continued in Cuba without the republican governments that happened Amadeus I were able to improve the situation. In addition, officials and Spanish officials on the island chooses the solution Alphonsine monarchy and acted mostly outside the Republican power. One solution that frustrated trying introduced in this period was the formulation usergioarboleda of the federal structure of the state that Cuba considered (and Puerto Rico) as a territory of the set of states that make up the federal Spain .
It would be the time when the beverage possesses an end to the Cuban insurrection combining military action with the negotiation. usergioarboleda Thus, 1878 was signed the Peace of the Trench, which included a broad amnesty, abolition of slavery (which is not approved usergioarboleda until 1888), free trade and the promise of introducing a series of reforms political and administrative representation that would give Cuba the Spanish courts.
Modeled bipartisan system of the Restoration was introduced in the Peninsula, they created two major parties would be the focus of Cuban politics: the Constitutional Union Party and Home Rule. While the constitutionalists were a Spanish nationalist party composed usergioarboleda mainly by mainland and settled in Cuba, the autonomy advocated a reform program in the economic and political field and were able to achieve a broad representation in the Spanish parliament.
In Spain, the Liberal Party led by Sagasta show favor to introduce political reforms in Cuba, but was only able to specify the formal abolition of slavery (1888). So when, in 1893, Maura proposed a project to reform the colonial status usergioarboleda of the island, this was defeated in parliament under pressure from the Spanish economic groups with business in Cuba, always uncompromising in making any concession that might jeopardize usergioarboleda their economic interests and privileges enjoyed it.
In the economic field, in Cuba was established a plantation economy based on the cultivation of sugar and coffee to a lesser extent, tobacco and bananas. This type of operation is performed to "Ingenios" rested on slave labor and production was overturned towards foreign trade. From 1880 the industrial revolution culminated sugar, modernized production through the introduction of machinery and factories appeared.
These circumstances, together with the change in legislation, which led to a pass to a wage slave system, which was being increased hiring workers come from the peninsula.
Exports increased orientation towards the international market, especially to the United States, Britain and the countries of northern Europe, which made them lose a lot of ties linking the island with the mainland. Dependence on the American market grew to the point where in 1890 they sold over 90% of the harvest sugar of sugar refiners Trust of New York. In exact figures 1850, the United States bought 30% of sugar production, 80% in 1880 and 1894, the figures increased to 91% of the total

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