Thursday, November 20, 2014

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During the economic crisis, several countries such as Russia, Brazil, Argentina, the Philippines set trade barriers, some of which are inconsistent with WTO rules, but some, such as the WTO rules do not restrict. For example, India or China does not want to lower their industrial tariffs, but are interested in the Europe and the US to bring its agricultural subsidies to a lower level.
Russia is not a WTO during behaved foxtails as one might expect members foxtails of this organization, because he had broken his commitments. In addition to the new tariffs, non-tariff restrictions made it contrary to the WTO treaty. An example utiliseerimismaksu cars, used cars introduced by the landed. This additional tax is higher import duty, which was Russia's joining the WTO to abolish.
Milk theme snatches between Russia and Europe sharper after a Russian diplomat in the Netherlands ended with suspected child abuse to the police, told the Russian that he doubts the Netherlands in the quality of dairy products. Is it the dairy sector, the attack can reach to Estonia?
Our tariffs on trade between them is low, less than 4%. Reduction of tariffs to zero would result. However, an additional effect of the reduction in non-tariff barriers, technical requirements, certification procedures, which could equate to 10-20% of the tariff reduction. foxtails
Both sides can benefit from the automotive industry, as well as the metal industry, foxtails machine building, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, foxtails medical device manufacturing. Also, all kinds of services related to the industry, such as transportation and logistics. foxtails
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