Friday, May 2, 2014

Now is the link to RCG here, yes, but it

I started a few months ago to develop a DIY OSD to FPV. In short it is a small device that can be text upstairs a video signal. This allows, for example. show power consumption, excitement, mAh used, speed, GPS coordinates, direction home, etc. - A film telling you almost everything The idea is that everything must be could be made reasonably easily and cheaply available with standard components t2l and open source software (all code is so far written by me, but everything is freely available Accommodation and can be changed as you like) So far, there appears: Speed Height Time Position Direction Home Power consumption Battery excitement mAh spent Distance home (distance to the starting position) mAh / km (to find optimum cruise speed, etc.) In addition, tilfjet one summary-skrm where you can see: Max Speed Max height Max distance the plane has vret away from the starting position Total distance the plane has flown Average speed All hardware br could be made for approx. 100-150 crowns + a gps and strmsensor. It's all running on a small Atmega microcontroller, which is easily t2l tilgngelig in the form of all the Arduino'er that have sprung up. An easy solution is Arduino Nano which can be purchased for approx. 90 kr incl P & P: There are direct USB connection, so there behves not much more knowledge of code, etc. but to appreciate the USB plug in and upload the code. In order to detect lines and frames p video signal used some extra hardware t2l which can be seen here. That's pretty simple and should be done with minimal experience. - And a little more graphical representation can be seen here; - It may end up being sdaN a nice little device here: If it's something that has interest I will elaborate on my indlg All development is mainly foreget in this trd: http://www. & pp = 100 The latest software version is in writing v 0.14 which is vedhftet. Tilfjelse: If you do not have mod p to gather print, etc. have been written t2l understttelse to SimpleOSD open,'s a frdigt print / product can be purchased here: t2l / osd-headtrackers/...uino-boot.html
Henning Overgaard Larsen View Public Profile Send a private message to Henning Overgaard Larsen Find all indlg from Henning Overgaard Larsen
Super project. Fairly long trdp RCG. Yes, thank you And yes, there is efterhnden been some indlgi trden p RCG. There are also a few who have assembled hardware, and many have looked with and have come up with ideas for improvements / changes etc. It is efterhnden by being fairly frdigt why I thought of, I also just wanted to throw a little info here if it would be of interest to some.
Now is the link to RCG here, yes, but it's always a little easier to follow along if you bother to throw a hint here of significant changes (for us lazy). Or if other p RCG comes with interesting Surcharge and ideas. Open source opens up possibilities for customization, which we never before by commersielle products. __________________
Now is the link to RCG here, yes, but it's always a little easier to follow along if you bother to throw a hint here of significant changes (for us lazy). Or if other p RCG comes with interesting Surcharge and ideas. Open source opens up possibilities for customization, which we never before by commersielle products. I'll t2l really very gre. I think / hope, however efterhnden the network a stage where only minor cosmetic changes that might. will be changed. Unless t2l of course people have some super ideas or wishes. - And yes, it certainly gives some customization options. I would also like to give a little the Help if there are some who have good suggestions.
Super. Must have invested in FPV equipment, no fr I made a decision on what I think is right for me (I might know a little long as to make my decision). S I think I will forsge me with this one. __________________
Super. Must have invested in FPV equipment, no fr I made a decision on what I think is right for me (I might know a little long as to make my decision). S I think I will forsge me with this one. If you have not flown FPV fr, I recommend starting with s simple setup as possible. I have flown some FPV and fet many both cool rides and great movie without fancy equipment. I would start with just a video transmitter and a camera on the plane. S can always be considered in any OSD etc.
Had really tnkt me to start a new trd, but my questions is right ttp content in this trd, so therefore I hope it's okay to joke here otherwise t2l to! Are new to FPV, ie. going out to invest in everything from AZ. P hobby king can KBE a complete startst like this: 5FRx% 5F.html What remains t2l for me to move on. immediately am I suppose just having a CGT camera? Missing something? Is it money vrd? Is leg towards other options :-) Pft. __________________

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